14 abr 2010


Douglas Jasch

Productivity drives, efficiency initiatives, company cutbacks, mergers...

(Line 1) While the modern workplace is producing more for less, recent research has indicated that increasing worker output is being accompanied by increased stress.

However, by following the simple hints and techniques mentioned below you can effectively lower tension and find that your work life quickly improves and that you are far better able to manage your stress. Let's see...

1. Personalise your work space.Bring a plant to work, a photograph of the family and some personal items. The plant will help to provide fresh oxygen in an air-conditioned environment. By personalising your workspace you create an atmosphere in which it is comfortable to work. This can help to increase your productivity. Whatever you decide to do, it is important to select items appropriate to your company's culture.

2. Start the day in a positive way. Try to be positive about going to work. Research has indicated that a positive attitude helps to reduce stress and conflict in the workplace.

3. Prioritise your tasks.
Set a list of priorities each day. Prioritising your tasks will help to reduce stress by ensuring that the most important things are done first which helps to avoid emergencies and unnecessary pressure.

4. Achieve a task a day. When you set your priorities, make sure you include at least one task which you will be able to complete on that day. Even if it is a very small task and there are several complex tasks you will be working on, completing one thing each day will help, you feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction.

5. Exercise Your body. Try to do some exercise at least once a day. A twenty-minute stroll at lunch will not only reduce stress but could also help you to live longer.

6. Exercise Your Eyes.
In the modern world it is not enough to only exercise your body. With the advent of computers and the necessity in the modem office to sit looking at a screen for hours on end, it is also important to exercise your eyes. There is little doubt that computers have helped increase worker productivity and efficiency. Unfortunately there is a very negative side effect from excessive computer use: bad eyesight. By staring into the distance for one minute every hour you can greatly reduce the likelihood of suffering eye damage. It is just as important to exercise your eyes as your body.

7. Take Regular Breaks. Take regular short breaks. Most people can only maintain effective concentration for 40 minutes. Regular short breaks will help you to be at your productive best. lt will also help to approach problems from a different perspective after a break. Don't work through coffee breaks and always try to leave the office to eat your lunch.

8. Eat Healthy Food. Eating healthy food cannot only increase the length of your life, it also helps to reduce stress. The traditional Mediterranean diet is recommended. Animal fats and excessive alcohol intake should be avoided.

9. Avoid conflict. Seek solutions and resolutions not confrontation. Be flexible and try to maintain positive relationships with your colleagues.

10. Sleep. Many executives believe that they only need five or six hours sleep a night. This may be so for a lucky few but the reality is that most of us need between eight and ten hours sleep a night.

Source: Think in English

GLOSSARYproductivity drives: (in this context) productivity campaigns (las campañas de productividad)
cutback: personnel reduction (reducción de personal)
merger: process in which two companies join together and become one company (fusión)
output: production (producción)
hint: piece of advice, recommendation, tip (recomendación, sugerencia)
items: things, articles. belongings (artículos)
whatever (you decide to do): it makes no difference what (you decide to do) (independientemente de lo que decidas hacer)
to prioritise: to assign a priority to (priorizar) task: piece of work, individual job (tarea)
to achieve: finish, conclude (alcanzar, lograr)
achievement: fulfilled goal (logro, objetivo alcanzado)
stroll: walk for pleasure (paseo, caminata)
advent: arrival (llegada, advenimiento)
screen: computer display (pantalla de monitor)
to stare: look for a long time (mirar fijamente)
likelihood: probability (probabilidad)
break (n.): period of rest (descanso, recreo)
through: (in this context) during (durante)
animal fats: oily substances derived from animals (grasas animales)
intake: consumption (consumo, ingesta)
to seek: look for, try to find (buscar)

After reading the article please answer the questions below:

1. Do you agree with the statement in line 1?

2. Do you feel work-related stress at the moment? If so, how do you feel exactly?

3. Have you tried any the hints mentioned in the article? If so, have they been effective for you?

4. How you manage your stress at present?

5. What do you think people should do to balance their stress with some relaxation?

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